The capacity to learn is a gift …The ability to learn is a skill … The willingness to learn is a choice.
“Stacking” means that you buy more Enagic accounts in the SAME name as your original MAIN account in order to build up to 4 accounts ALL at SAME time. The result is that you hit higher ranks much faster. YES THIS IS ALLOWED.
We recommend that you stack ONLY once you have achieved the 4A rank. Yes – you can use your first stacked account to claim the 4A rank. Note: If you stack before 4A – you’re essentially cutting your mentor out of the commission faster – and give them less incentive to help you.
It is critical that you ONLY stack a maximum of 3 levels down – AND that you stack in the 1A legs of your new 1st and 2nd accounts. If you don’t do this, then you will cut out your top account and it won’t get the points to hit 6A.
Buying 3 new accounts to stack 3 levels
below your first account will allow you to build at your 6A2-3 level – which is, of course, where the $5000 minimum residual income kicks in!
Once you have your new accounts in place – the strategy is simple – put all of your business under your bottom-most account. This way that bottom account will rank up because it’s the account making the direct sales – AND the points will all pass up to ALSO build the 3 accounts above it.
Your bottom-most account will get the direct commissions, then the accounts above it will get the indirect sales commission – so you’re going to scoop up ALL of the commission right away. You’re giving yourself a raise!
Because your top account is already a 4A when you stack – as all of the points from your bottom accounts pass up the result should be that your top account gets the points and sales volume required to claim the 6A rank first. In order to claim that rank – you’ll need to put a direct sale under that account (that is NOT E8PA or Ukon DD).
It is critical that once you have stacked that you are on the look-out for Eagles (someone who has the means and the ability to grow their business relatively quickly). An Eagle is someone who doesn’t question this business and what it will do for them. They have ad budget and they are happy to put themselves out there online to drive traffic. Most often they’ve either been in business or sales before. When you find an Eagle, you will drop them in one of 2 key positions:
The Eagle 1 position will require someone who has the potential to be at least a 6A2. Assuming they fulfill that potential, they will fill 3 6A spots for you in your business.
The Eagle 2 position requires someone who simply has the potential to be at least a 6A. Much easier – they’re really just responsible for themselves.
The idea here is that you put all your sales under your bottom account – UNTIL you find your Eagles – then you position them in 1 of these 2 spots.
How do you find an Eagle? Coaching calls. The coaching call is basically an opportunity to interview your buyers to see if they have what it takes to be an Eagle in your business. If you’re not doing your own coaching calls, then make sure that your coach knows to make you aware when you have an Eagle.
Every account has 2 legs and your most important account is your top account. You want to make sure that the 2 legs under your top account are solid – with a strong downline under each. We recommend that you build your 3rd Stacked Account to 5A. Put all your business under there until it hits 5A.
Then, once that account is 5A – look at the distributors under your top account – there will be several there as it was built to 4A before you stacked. By now you will know if any of those people are going to be the Eagle under your top account – that will build that whole half of your business for you. This is your most important Eagle of all. They need to achieve the rank of 6A2-2, in order for you to achieve the rank of 6A2-3.
If you don’t have someone under your top account capable of doing so – then you need to find someone. OR – buy down 3 levels on that side of your business – and do the exact same strategy as you’ve already done.
You do this once you’ve achieved 5A on that bottom account – because 5A is of course half-way to 6A. By building the other half of your business to 5A, it will still build your top-most account to 6A – but it will also build your business such that the 2 main legs grow at about the same rate. The goal is for your 2 main legs to hit 6A at as close to the same time as possible – so you can claim 6A2!!! And then 6A2-2!!! And then 6A2-3!!!
It’s of course a lot easier if you have someone else building this other half of your business for you. And it is worth considering how you can help someone if you think they could ALMOST do it on their own. For example, if you put some buyers under them, then they can mentor them instead of you. It’ll build their business at the same time as your own, and it’ll give them some momentum. Always keep your eye on the long term growth of your business.
Stacking accounts and identifying who the key players are in your business is essential to hitting those high-paying residual ranks in the shortest amount of time possible.
Watch the below video from one of our masterminds to learn about how to effectively stack accounts in your business.